How monopoly game played by UBER in Winnipeg?

 Transportation via digital software like UBER is a game in this business. And UBER is doing great on this game in Winnipeg, since local application developer and digital vehicle for hire companies decided to opt out their services from Winnipeg. 

Is UBER behind all of these activities that let other companies to opt out? the short answer is "may be "!

Currently there is " actually "only one vehicle for hire company operating is Winnipeg, which is UBER. But before UBER started its' operation is Winnipeg there were handful of local companies started their services (TapCar, Ride Me Home, ReRide so on). Unfortunately all the local company had to stop their services not because they offered poor services but high pressure and useless restrictions from City of Winnipeg. For example, service fees for per vehicle for hire driver, per trip fees and useless requirements for hiring drivers. These (implied by city of Winnipeg) restrictions were applied to shut down the local/small companies. But to welcome UBER to operate services monopoly. 

Now, residents of Winnipeg do not have option but to use only UBER as vehicle for hire company. 

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